
We asked our athletes what training was like before they got Coached.
And how it’s improved after getting Coached. Wow, what a difference.

Before Getting Coached

Our athletes said training was based on snippets of articles, blogs and books.
They used other training plans or tried to write their own.

“Unstructured – no knowledge, I’d just go out and swim, cycle and run.”

BECS, Triathlete

“I read what is available online and tried to make an intelligent guess on what I should do.”

Richard, Triathlete

“Tiring, and rather unenjoyable. Not sure why I was pushing so hard all the time. But it was nice to see nice splits for every run, though it started becoming a bit unachievable after a while.”

Chloe, Runner

“Just getting knowledge from YouTube. Did not know the right way to run and as a result suffered muscle soreness.”

Aziz, Runner

“Training was based on how I felt on that day, often deciding halfway into the run what I was actually doing, as well as an “the harder I run the better I get” approach which eventually ended with an injury.”

David, Runner

“Much harder work for no better results – enjoyable, sure, but unstructured and every session was basically around maximum effort.”

Tim, Runner

“It was haphazard, and without proper guidance on tempo and recovery. Only did more on mileage-based and intensity-based. There was no science to what I was doing. I needed guidance desperately.”

Effendy, triathlete

“Unstructured – no specific theory underpinning the training – hard to set goals.”

Arthur, Runner

“Enjoyable but unstructured. I always had more questions than answers. Most important, I crawled to the finish line.”

Ajay, Runner

“Before Coached, I briefly trialled Runners Connect but found the pace-based plans incongruent with my fitness levels and goals.”

Nurul, Runner

“I tried to structure training via online research. Some of the things were not bad, but it is time-consuming as you need to read a lot of things to make up your mind.”

Adrien, triathlete

After Getting Coached

Things changed for the better once they got Coached.
9 out of 10 Coached athletes surveyed report achieving a personal best,
8 out of 10 say their training is more enjoyable, and 7 out of 10 have fewer injuries.

Here’s what our athletes said when we asked them what changed for the better since getting Coached:

“I know what I am doing each week and don’t get injured as often. I have set PB’s in all race distances and managed to represent Singapore in the SEA Games.”

Arif, Triathlete

“After joining Coached, I learnt a lot about how to structure my training, racing strategies and also nutrition and hydration. I started to enjoy running, not just for racing, but also as a sport in itself. Training becomes more frequent and enjoyable, and I knew what I was doing as opposed to before joining Coached, where I realised that I was quite lost and didn’t know how to train properly.”

Ren Jie, Runner

“Training is structured with a good mixture of running and strength, speed and endurance.”

Stephen, Runner

“Besides achieving my personal best, I lost some weight. After changing to an LCHF diet I reached my ideal weight. Yesterday, I met up with my colleague whom we had not met for 2 months. She was shocked to see I had lost so much weight. Yeah…”

Susan, Runner

“I understand the why/how to train effectively and have more maturity on athletic lifestyle; overall fitness; endurance; speed performance.”

Mathieu, Triathlete

“I have a plan to follow, so there is no need to think too much. I get to ask coaches for advice easily.”

Puay koon, runner

“I trained more frequently, yet I was never as tired and had a lot more energy overall. I lost a couple of kgs and within three months had a massive half marathon PB. I enjoy the online forum for support.”

Mandy, runner

“I’ve got more time for my body to rest after joining Coached—less piling on of mileage.”

Joy, runner

“I enjoy training, and it’s more structured now. I also see improvements in my overall recovery process.”

Shinta, Runner

“The flexibility of the Coached training plans has helped me to balance training and life. I am not only getting better results, I am not always so tired.”

Justin, Triathlete

“After suffering many injuries and struggling to perform, Coached has transformed me. Iʼm no longer injured and I‘ve dropped my marathon time from 4:17 to 3:50. All in just six months.”

Raymon, Runner

“Structured, learning more about training and understanding my running better.”

Satyavan, Runner

“Training with Coached has helped me to run further, faster, and easier than ever before 🙂 I’m able to take on more volume without getting injured.”

Ilona, Runner

“PB’s for every event since joining Coached and I have gained so much knowledge even though I thought I knew a fair bit. Heaps of support.”

Mark, Triathlete

“Everything’s been great, and I truly enjoy being Coached. I can see myself being here as long as I’m actively working towards a race.”

Zi Xuan, Triathlete

“More enjoyable, less stress, fewer injuries. I qualified for the Ironman 70.3 World Championships.”

Rowena, Triathlete

“Kind and friendly coaches – encouraging – enjoyable training sessions.”

Rebecca, Triathlete

“I really enjoy the structured training and ability to really see how I’ve improved through data comparisons.”

Dean, Runner

“It’s nice to have someone to ask questions of. You can’t introduce a new “philosophy” to your training (including diet as well) by a one-off instruction. Between LCHF and the running and training approach, you need to be able to keep going back for advice, even if it’s often asking something you’ve already been told. Also, because every race is different – e.g. Kyoto with early hills and how to deal with that. I’ve also really enjoyed the added sense of community that has come with it.”

Trent, Runner

“Training is definitely more structured and I’m stronger and fitter. And enjoyable.”

Jacelyn, Runner

“Training has become enjoyable rather than a chore. I look forward to it. Apart from training, Coached’s focus on diet, rest, etc also helps. I feel healthier in general.”

Neel, Runner

“Structured training programme, more enjoyable. Like-minded friends.”

Priscila, Runner

“I enjoy the training flexibility.”

Simon, Runner

“I’ve felt tremendous improvement in my training. It’s a great programme, particularly if you are busy, it will provide you with a sustainable program so that you can continue!”

Kei, Runner

“I lost weight, especially around my waist line. For me it’s a completely different way of training which has worked out great.”

Thomas, Runner

“I enjoy running more, and especially during the long run. Good to be part of a community.”

Jean-Philippe, Runner

“Great support both training-wise and non-training-wise. Also, a plan that is changeable but within a structure.”

Sean, Triathlete

“My training is more structured, and although it might be an online training programme by definition, it feels as if the coaches are right beside you every run.”

David, Runner

“I have a clear understanding of what my body is going through during a race, and have improved my performances.”

Ajay, Runner

“Although I don’t feel like my running timing has improved a lot, training hasn’t been so tiring because I’m not training hard all the time. I also like how it has prepared me enough to know how to pace myself and enjoy an Ironman 70.3 race.”

Janell, Triathlete

“Training feels organised and logical. I know what I’m aiming to achieve in each session and the workload is balanced with proper amounts of rest.”

Tim, Runner

“Changing my approach, I was able to run more efficiently and gradually improve with multiple session types.”

Tiziano, Runner

“Incremental build-up which compounds endurance and fitness without one actually realising it … amazing to see that happen.”

Kanishik, Triathlete

“My training is so much more structured, and I really enjoy training.”

Nick, Runner

“Training is more structured. Knowledgeable and experienced coaches to ask questions anytime, anywhere since it is a virtual platform.”

Thomas, Runner

“Training is structured, and I learned how to take care of my body and stay healthy.”

David, Runner

“Improved in race time and injury has reduced a great deal.”

Jaslyn, Runner

“Happy with the training plan. Don’t need to think too much! Great support from the Coaches! Always positive! Happy to be part of this team.”

July, Runner

“Structured and flexible. Coach support and advice are amazing.”

Riana, Runner

“Love the methodology as well as the ease of using the online programme. No more injuries!”

Jasmine, Runner

“More sustainable. The variety of training also keeps it fresh. The flexibility to switch sessions around also makes it less stressful. The coaches are very approachable and supportive. ”

Hwe Min, Runner

Experience It For Yourself