As A Matter Of Fat: A Metabolic R...

August 31, 2021

Based on Phil Maffetone’s two-week carbohydrate intolerance test, As A Matter Of Fat is a metabolic reset. Learn more and join our next round.

Ben Pulham

Quick And Easy Healthy Snacks For...

May 18, 2021

This article shares several healthy snacks that you can use to help fuel you between meals and your training sessions. Check them out!

Ben Pulham

How Ahmad Arif Ibrahim Qualified ...

May 4, 2021

Arif is a Muslim triathlete who recently qualified for the SEA Games during Ramadan. Here’s how he manages his training during Ramadan.

Ben Pulham

Cut Race Times, Not Corners.

Racing at your potential and enjoying training is easy when you’re following the right programme.

Training In The Morning vs. The E...

March 30, 2021

Do you train in the morning or evening? What’s better? In this article, we discuss some pros and cons of morning vs evening training.

Ben Pulham

Let Your Brain Rest

September 4, 2019

Sprinkle some boredom back into your day and you may be rewarded with improved health, energy and performance. Here’s why.

Ben Pulham

Put Your Best Foot Forward

August 27, 2019

Podiatrist, Tim Maiden, discusses the three most common concerns he hears from runners in his clinic and shares strategies for looking after your feet.

Ben Pulham

Look After Your Body

August 20, 2019

Osteopath, Thomas Wynn Jones, discusses the biggest factors for improving health while preventing and recovering from injury.

Ben Pulham

The Performance Equation

August 6, 2019

Rest is 50 per cent of the equation, yet many hard-working runners believe that more training is the answer to improving performance.

Ben Pulham

You Are Carbo-Loaded

July 17, 2019

If you eat a standard Singaporean, Western or Indian diet, it’s likely you are carbo-loaded. You may also be compromising your health and performance.

Ben Pulham

Why Rest Days Are Important (And ...

September 25, 2018

Rest days are not something taboo. They’re an important part of the training process that fuels consistency and great performance.

Ben Pulham

Sleep Your Way To Better Performance

July 31, 2018

Good quality sleep is an often overlooked requirement for any athlete looking to perform at their potential in training and racing. Here’s why!

Ben Pulham

Is Social Media, Whatsapp And Oth...

May 17, 2018

Social media, whatsapp and other digital stimulation might be ruining your recovery and hindering your performance. Here’s why.

Ben Pulham

Monitor Fitness And Fatigue By Me...

March 8, 2018

Measuring resting heart rate each morning can help you monitor aerobic fitness and how you’re recovering from your last hard session.

Ben Pulham

Why Eating Less Carbs And More Fa...

January 25, 2018

Eating fewer carbs and more fat can help your health and performance. Here’s why.

Ben Pulham

4 Things You Can Do Every Day To ...

January 11, 2018

Training isn’t enough. You must sufficiently recover from training for it to improve your performance. Here are four strategies that can help you recover.

Ben Pulham

Marathon Recovery – The Ess...

December 1, 2016

A marathon is tough. To speed your recovery, we’ve compiled a thorough guide to ensure that you get the best out of your post-race recovery. Read on!

Ben Pulham